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Over the course of the last 100 years, Louisiana has seen drastic negative impacts to its hydrology. Areas that were historically freshwater marshes have been transformed into salty stretches of open water. Wildlife and vegetation native to specific areas of Louisiana have been forced to migrate or have been killed off entirely. Our coastline is washing away faster every year, and unless something drastic is done very soon, our coasts will pass the point of salvation. The root of Louisiana’s problem stems from the fact that we no longer allow the Lower Mississippi River System (LMRS) to meander and drop sediments that lead to creating land (Kuecher 1995.) By strategically using river diversions at planned points along the LMRS, there is hope for our coast’s future, but the time to act is now. We propose that with strategic planning and proper modeling efforts that the Louisiana Gulf Coast can be restored through the use of sediment diversions.


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